Saturday 10 March 2012

Car talk

Me and Dad didn't speak about much, not very much, hardly ever really...

He was the kind of guy who said if it wasn't worth talking about there wasn't really much point in saying it! This is the total opposite of me, who has to talk about everything and anything, and I guess I struggled with his lack of conversation as a child, and even more so, a teenage girl.

In recent years, however, he seemed to have taken exception to the rule.

The best times I can think of is when I broke my wrist in August 2009. I was obviously incapacitated and couldn't drive but also looking after a small boy at home while larger girl was at school. My parents were my saviour. My Mum stayed home and looked after Eli while my Dad drove me into Exeter to have an x-ray/check up/cast off/cast on/etc etc.

These times with him in the car were (in hindsight) some of the best, and most insightful, that I have ever had with him. We shared a lot of thoughts, chat, laughter, companionship, honesty, and silence. More so in those car journeys than any time I can remember in recent history. 

I guess I haven't had a lot of time with my Dad, just me and him, on the whole. While growing up him and my Mum were amongst the most embarrassing creatures that I have ever encountered on this earth. Once leaving home I wanted nothing to do with them. Once I finished college I did nothing but go home, sleep, get Mum to wash my clothes, eat their food and drink their wine. I then met my future husband - we went to their house, they took us on holiday, we drank their wine and ate their food. He then walked me down the aisle after paying for a large proportion of my wedding. I then presented him with two grandchildren - of whom he was extremely proud. This all probably makes me sound very selfish but I guess sometimes that is the way it is with your parents - I know I didn't appreciate him as much as I should have, I guess I just thought he would always be around.

We were ultimately a very happy family with lots of love and laughter but at no point did we really ever have time to sit down and talk, just the two of us, talk about life and love and children. Until this time that I broke my wrist, and we were trapped in a car together for two hours every week for 6 weeks.

I loved those times. I realised that I had missed my Dad. I enjoyed hearing him talk to me - about everything and nothing. 

I loved those times. I miss my Dad. I will cherish those times, however seemingly insignificant, forever.

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